“As creatives, it’s our responsibility support each other because we’re small, not in spite of that fact.” Absolutely

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So much this!!! My massive art print collection agrees!!

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Omg, I have so many art prints that I have an excess folder in my garage 🫠 need more wall space

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this was so nicely put! i love the zucchini doodle

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Aw thank you so much! 🥒

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A thousand billion yeses to this!! The entertainment is exploitive to creators on all fronts. By focusing small we combat the culture that they’ve created!

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Exactly! And we give creatives who might otherwise be skipped over a chance to thrive. :)

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Love this!! My husband is in game development so we talk about this all the time. And I think the next post in my queue is on a very similar topic. Couldn’t agree with you more ❤️

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I can’t wait to read your take! I hope your husband has been having an okay time with everything going on lately 🫶🏻🎮

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He is actually just jumping ship from his company which is in rough shape to another one that seems really promising on paper but doesn’t have much of a history so it’s really scary 🫣

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OY startups are so nerve-wracking. “Promising but no history” sums it up so well. I sincerely hope he finds that it’s a good match and that he’s able to stay there a long while! 🤞🏻

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